How Long Does a Dumbwaiter Lift Take to Install?


A dumbwaiter is a small service lift used to transport items from one floor to another in a multi-story building. Unlike conventional elevators, dumbwaiters move objects between different floors rather than people. They typically come in capacities of 50KG and 100KG, and a properly designed and installed model should be able to withstand constant use. Dumbwaiters can typically be loaded at floor level or waist height for maximum convenience.

The term dumbwaiter was coined when these small service lifts were first deployed hundreds of years ago. They were most commonly used in large houses to transport items such as laundry and food from the servants’ quarters throughout the house. The term refers to a dumb waiter: a staff member who is ‘seen but not heard’. Dumbwaiters can function almost as another member of the workforce, doing all the work when the transporting of heavy goods is required.

More than just an old fashion addition to a workplace, dumbwaiter lifts are in fact crucial tools in the UK service industry, and they can even be found in Buckingham Palace. Modern-day dumbwaiters possess updated features such as safety locks and contamination prevention, making them a desirable addition to many workplaces and homes.


Dumbwaiters vary from conventional elevators in the sense that they’re a type of service lift, meaning they’re specifically intended to transport goods rather than people. Passenger lifts are bigger and typically have a larger capacity.

Since dumbwaiters are smaller than passenger lifts, they boast a smaller carbon footprint and take up less space within an architectural structure.


There are many benefits offered by having a dumbwaiter, including saving time, reducing risk of injuries, and maximising efficiency, to name a few.

The advantage of installing a dumbwaiter in a business is that it reduces physical strain on employees by removing the need to ferry heavy items up and down stairs, thus increasing safety. This in turn frees up employees’ time to get on with other crucial tasks.

The original purpose of dumbwaiters in the UK was to move items from one floor level to another in large residential houses, and this is still one of the settings in which you can find dumbwaiters today.


Investing in a residential dumbwaiter is a good solution for owners of large private homes with staff, as well as private residences where inhabitants have limited mobility. Residential dumbwaiters take the strain off staff and residents when transporting items such as laundry and groceries. With many of us living extremely busy lives and working long hours in the modern world, anything that saves on time and makes lives easier is an invaluable addition to our homes.

Traditionally, dumbwaiters have been an integral part of the service industry. This includes being used as a food lift in restaurants, as well as being used in hotels to transport items such as fresh linen. When deployed in a kitchen setting, the use of heated cabins in the dumbwaiter car will ensure that food is kept at the perfect temperature. Any workplace that requires transporting goods across multiple floors to be safe and efficient can benefit from the addition of a dumbwaiter.


The way dumbwaiter systems operate is not dissimilar to that of an elevator. A dumbwaiter is a movable car that connects with a pulley system, which then transports items up and down a shaft structure (hoistway) to the required floor. Some units use a winding drum system as well as a guide rail.

It has been hundreds of years since dumbwaiters came into circulation, and while today’s models typically employ the use of modern adaptions such as the electric motor, the original models were operated manually by rope hauling.


Prior to the installation process, a phone consultation can be used to establish technical details and ensure a safe operation. In some cases, engineers may conduct a site survey of the premises to assess the space and understand the tools and time that will be required for a successful installation job.

The first step involved is building the dumbwaiter shaft, known as the hoistway. If this is a new building, the space for the shaft may have already been practically designed as part of the building’s structure. However, if the dumbwaiter is an addition to an older building, the engineer must create the shaft out of existing space.

Once the shaft has been put together, the motor can be installed, followed by the actual dumbwaiter unit. The final stage of installation involves connecting the unit to electricity. After the lift has been installed, it will require cladding to ensure the structure is secure.


If a site survey is required, this will typically take a few hours and will be done in the weeks preceding the install date. For a properly installed dumbwaiter, customers will generally be looking at at least a whole day for the installation to be completed, typically 1-2 days. The amount of time required depends on the complexity of the site requirements as well as the size and range of floors that the lift will pass through.

After installation, a dumbwaiter will normally require servicing at least two times a year to ensure it is in good working condition, and reduce the need for repair costs further down the line.


Installing a dumbwaiter is a relatively straightforward process, and due to its small size, this lift can fit into buildings that don’t have one already built in without massively disrupting the structure.

There are a number of benefits that can be gained by using a dumbwaiter in various settings, and with a complete installation taking only a matter of days, it’s a great long-term solution for making private homes and workplaces safer and more efficient.